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How do I Bulk Edit Check-Ins?
How do I Bulk Edit Check-Ins?

Steps for making bulk changes to your team's check-ins

Updated over a week ago

Editing Check-Ins individually can be time-consuming. Whether you need to change the check-in frequency or update the check-in forms to include performance objectives and core values, our bulk edit option in Check-Ins can save you time.

The bulk edit option allows you to update questions, frequency, and whether to include or exclude objectives and core values. For a complete guide on bulk editing check-in questions, please see the linked article: How do I bulk Edit Check-In Questions?

Here are the steps on how to bulk edit your team's Check-ins:

1. Click on the Bulk Operations icon in the top right corner of the Team Check-In table.

2. Select the employee(s) you wish to make updates to or choose “Select All” and then click the Bulk Edit menu option to the right.

3. In the Bulk Edit window, select the appropriate options and click Proceed. Use the Keep Existing option if you do not want to make a change to that field.

4. Next you need to confirm and apply your selection. Since you may be applying changes to many records at once, we ask you to confirm and give you the option to edit your selection or cancel the request if needed. After confirming, you can then apply the changes.

5. You will see a success banner at the bottom of the screen confirming your changes were applied. This banner also includes an UNDO option. UNDO is only available until you refresh your screen and has some limitations if clicked after 60 seconds of your initial update.

You will now see a Last Updated Date on the Team Check-Ins table. This information is in the last column to the right in the table and shows the most recent edit to the record.

Still have questions about bulk editing check-ins? Chat us for further assistance.

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