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Reminding Your Team to Check-In
Reminding Your Team to Check-In
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways that your team can be reminded to Check-In.

  • Automatic Reminders

  • Manual Push Reminders

Automatic Reminders for Check-Ins

You have the option to set automatic reminders for check-ins. If you choose to do this, our system generates an auto-reminder 7 days before the check-in due date which is based on the frequency of the check-in.

You can edit the due date reminder frequency by navigating to the Check-ins application and selecting the three-dot menu beside the user with an assigned check-in that you would like to edit.

From here you will select the 'Edit Check-in Form' option and a new page will appear allowing you to stipulate the days before the due date you would like the reminder email to trigger. Depending on your account settings, there may be a few different options available in the drop-down. Be sure to click 'Save' to apply your changes.

Unless you change the due date reminder, the emails automatically send 7 days before the Check-In is due. An exception to this rule is if you set a check-in frequency ≤7 days, and you have not manually updated the due date reminder. In this case, no reminder email will be sent.

Due Date Calculation

  • As Check-ins are initiated by employees, the due date is determined based on their check-in date. Any change in the employee's check-in date effectively resets the clock, and the subsequent due date is determined by the most recent check-in date. For instance, if an employee has a monthly frequency assigned and they check-in on June 10th, the next "due date" would be July 10th. If the employee opts not to check in until July 13th, the due date for the following month will be recalculated accordingly and set as August 13th.

The system only sends one (1) automatic reminder per Check-In cycle. If an employee does not check in after the first reminder, they will receive a past-due reminder and their next reminder will occur once the cycle resets.

Manual Push Reminders

You can send a push reminder by selecting the three-dot menu next to the employee you would like to remind. Then, select "Send Check-In Reminder" to send the reminder email.

Push reminders are a one-off event, meaning that pressing it once will generate one email. You can send as many push reminders as you like.

There is also a Bulk Remind option. Check out this article here for more details.

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