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How do I Bulk Send Check-In Reminders to Employees?
How do I Bulk Send Check-In Reminders to Employees?

Steps for sending check-in reminders to multiple employees

Updated over a week ago

The Bulk Reminder feature allows you to send Check-In reminders to your entire team or a specific group, which is particularly useful after making updates to the Check-In questions.

If you're unsure about the last reminder sent, no worries. The Last Reminded column in the Team Check-Ins table shows the last date a reminder was sent.

Note: this reminder option currently only sends reminders to employees to complete their Check-Ins; it does not notify managers to provide feedback.

To send bulk reminders, follow these steps:

  • Click the Bulk Operations icon on the Team Check-Ins table to open the Bulk menu.

  • Select at least one team member and then choose the Send Reminder option.

  • You will then need to confirm you want all selected reminders to be sent. Review the number of reminders and confirm in the pop-up window.

After completing the process, a success banner will display at the bottom of your screen, confirming that your reminders have been added to the sending queue. You can undo sent reminders using the Undo button in the success banner message. However, after a short delay, emails are sent and the undo option becomes invalid.

Still need help with sending check-in reminders? Chat us for further assistance.

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