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Performance Review Pipeline
Updated over 9 months ago

The Pipeline View allows you to quickly evaluate the progress of reviews for your team and organization. To navigate as a manager or above select Apps> Performance Reviews> Pipeline.

Pipeline stages include: Awaiting Self-Assessment, Awaiting Your Review, and Awaiting Review Conversation (see screenshot below).

  • Accounts that require Approval have additional stages: Awaiting Approval and Awaiting Your Revision.

Stats and Reminders

Each stage is represented by a column that features several data points to assist you in tracking the progress of the performance reviews. At the top of each column, you will find the total number of records in that review stage and the percentage of records relative to the total number of records that are "Current." Additionally, you can send an email reminder to those in that review desired stage.

Stage Breakdown

  • Awaiting Self-Assessment: Performance reviews where employees haven't marked their self-assessment as complete yet. Clicking the email reminder icon in this column sends an email reminder to all employees to complete their self-assessments.

  • Awaiting Your Assessment: Performance reviews where managers haven't marked the manager portion of the review as complete yet. Managers may have started their portion, but it hasn't been marked complete. Clicking the email reminder icon in this column sends an email reminder to managers to complete their portion of the review.

  • Awaiting Conversation: Performance reviews where managers have marked the review as completed but haven't yet signed it. Clicking the email reminder icon in this column sends an email reminder to managers to sign the review. Once signed, the review moves to the "Past" tab, making the manager's notes and ratings visible to the employee (depending on your account settings).

Additional Stages (if Approval Required is enabled)

If your organization has approval enabled for performance reviews, two additional stages are present before the "Awaiting Conversation" stage.

  • Awaiting Your Revision: Performance reviews that are not approved. This means the review was reviewed but not approved. The manager needs to revise their ratings and/or comments and resubmit the review for approval. The email reminder in this column is sent to managers to revise the review and resubmit for approval.

  • Awaiting Approval: All current review records that have been submitted for approval but haven't been approved yet. The email reminder in this column is sent to the requested manager for approval, or to Admin / Super Users if managers aren't allowed to approve.

If the review has been submitted and is approved the record automatically moves to the "Awaiting Review Conversation" stage,

Note: For reminders, if more than one record applies to a single manager, the email reminder includes the total number of review records that apply. (e.g., You have 3 reviews pending...)

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