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FAQs - Check-Ins
Can I edit my Check-In?
Can I edit my Check-In?
Updated over a week ago

During the process of completing your Check-In as an employee, the application automatically saves your responses until you officially mark the Check-In as complete. Once it is marked complete, you are unable to edit responses.

This autosave feature proves particularly valuable in situations where time constraints may interrupt your response, distractions may arise, or if you inadvertently close your browser—an occurrence we've all experienced at some point.

Here's how it operates: As you input your responses, your thoughts are saved automatically at intervals of every three seconds. If you are not yet ready to submit the Check-In, click the ‘Close’ button.

This way, you have the flexibility to navigate away or close the Check-In and return to it at your convenience for completion.

To edit a Check-In that you have begun but have not yet completed, click the ‘Resume Check-In’ button on your dashboard card.

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