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How do I set my time zone?
How do I set my time zone?
Updated over a week ago

Why set your time zone? Currently, the time zone only affects the Check-In reminders and date and timestamp labels.

We, at WorkDove, operate using America / New York time zone and support users all over the world. To help ensure you receive your Check-In reminder emails at a relevant working time (not 5 in the morning) you have the option to set your own time zone.

Here is how it all works:

You set a time zone

Your Check-In reminders will be sent based on your selected time zone.

When viewing Date and Timestamps related to your Team's Check-Ins, all times are presented in your selected time zone.

You do not set a time zone

No problem. Check-In reminders will be sent and timestamps will be labeled based on your account's selected timezone.

Your account has not yet set a timezone

No problem. Check-In reminders and timestamps will be sent and timestamps will be labeled based America / New York.

Setting your time zone

Access your profile by using the dot menu in the top right corner of your Profile Badge. When viewing your profile, use the Update option to select the appropriate time zone.

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