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Why is my team not receiving emails from WorkDove?
Why is my team not receiving emails from WorkDove?
Updated over a week ago

Well, let's face it... technology is great when it works.

We recommend your organization whitelist our email domain

If your organization whitelisted our domain and your team is still not receiving emails, there may be a number of reasons.

The most common reason emails are not received relates to the email address. See below for instructions on verifying and updating email addresses.

Be sure the email address is correct in the system.

When checking the email address, we recommend you check for a "space" that might be at the beginning or the end of the address.

Outlook: For Microsoft Outlook users, you may have Focused Inbox turned on. If so, the WorkDove emails may go into your "Other" folder. Be sure to check this folder. See the image below.

If you are not using Outlook and your email is correct, start a conversation for help.

We will check our email logs to see if the address is bouncing for some reason and go from there.

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