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FAQs - Core Platform
What happens when I cancel my WorkDove subscription?
What happens when I cancel my WorkDove subscription?
Updated over a week ago

We are sorry to hear you are cancelling your WorkDove subscription. We valued partnering with you and your team.

Please follow the steps below to cancel your subscription

1. Send an email to [email protected] stating you would like to cancel. This email must come from an Account Administrator.

2. Export and/or print all relevant information from the application for ongoing access. Consider the following records:

  • Performance Reviews & any attachments

  • Completed Check-Ins

  • Completed 360 Feedback

  • Recognition records

Your account subscription will end on the day before your next renewal date. Keep in mind, your account access to export or print data will be restricted on the day before your next renewal date (if cancelling).

Thank you for the opportunity you have given us to serve. We wish you and your team much success.

Start a conversation if you have any further questions.

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